Earlier this week I was hanging out on our deck, surveying our backyard while sipping on a pint of Ocean Spray Cran-Grape juice when I noticed an ant dragging a dead moth across the deck steps, presumably back to its colony . No mean feat, but it was something that’s typified as rather ordinary, just part of the circle of life in our backyard.
What made this different was the ant’s quarry was a Miller moth. For the uninitiated, Miller moths are a pesky bane of early spring along the Front Range. They are everywhere and get into everything: bedrooms, showers, cars, mailboxes, door jams. The flit about the TV, lamps, and window sills all hours of the day and night. And while I typically subscribe to an “all creatures great and small” credo, I took a perverse delight in seeing a Miller being taken down by this ant.
What happen next can be best characterized as a “Godzilla vs. Bambi” moment. As this tiny ant was pulling this (relatively) huge moth along the steps, our dog Rafa swooped in and gobbled up the Miller, leaving the ant stunned (and no doubt pissed), but in tact.
About an hour or so later, after a brief rain shower, I figured there’d be a rainbow gracing the eastern sky and poked my head out back to see. And there it was, a Technicolor arc against a grayish-cyan sky.
This clip, coupled with the ant/Mille/Rafa episode, made for an interesting late afternoon daily double.