This past July there was a water main break in downtown Pueblo. I shot some aerial video of the cleanup in hopes of peddling it to news outlets. There were no takers. I reached out to Joe Cervi, a former Chieftain colleague who had just started work for Pueblo Water (the former Pueblo Board of Water Works) as a Public Relations Specialist to see if he’d want the footage. The short answer: no.

But Joe did see an opportunity for each of us. He’d been charged with revamping the utility’s website and tapped into our working together at the paper over the years, hiring me to shoot stills and video for the company’s web redesign. I spent a chunk of August shooting Pueblo Water’s staff and facilities. Some of the drone work turned out nicely, offering fresh perspectives on longstanding buildings.
Pueblo Water’s revamped website is scheduled to go live in the first quarter of 2020.