My website’s sporting a new look. After combining my former SmugMug site that was home to Michael Sweeney Photography and my WordPress blog, Pueblo Periodically, I welcome you to the freshly rebranded

While not exactly the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the new look is a new leaf, at least for me. I’m better able to take advantage of the WordPress block editor which will result in more dynamic display of photos and video. And by moving away from SmugMug, I’ll have greater control over photo sales and hopefully save a few bucks along the way. As for improved content, well, time will tell.
There are bugs on the site that still need to be remedied, like database and .htacces issues for starters, but those will hopefully be addressed–thank God for Slack–in due time.
I’ll continue to blog, only those posts won’t get that front page treatment they did on the Pueblo Periodically site. There’s no law against bookmarking my new blog page, though. The newest post can always be found at the top of the page.