This is a special installment in the occasional series of “Throwback Thursday” posts featuring photos from my archives.
I’ve had this little black & white print of my niece Cassie for over 20 years. It resides in one of four Kodak Photo Postcard boxes I’ve carted around since the early 1990s. She’s sitting in the back of her dad Tony’s Toyota truck when the Alcocer family lived on Espresso Court in Santa Rosa. Cassie, Tony, her brother AJ, and I were getting ready to go fishing on Tomales Bay the day the picture was taken. As I recall, Tony landed a big sting ray that day.
Anyhow, I love how at ease Cassie is this photo.
Looking a bit closer, you’ll see a garter hanging from the truck’s rearview mirror. I’m guessing it’s from my sister Mary and Tony’s wedding a few years earlier.
And now, Cassie’s getting married; her wedding is tomorrow. Man, how time flies.
Cassie says
I’m trying to find the words to describe, or explain, the lump in my throat, but I can’t. I don’t know that I’ve seen this photo before. It’s blowing my mind how it captures so much of my world as a kid.
I was actually thinking about that garter that hung from the rearview mirror yesterday as I drove up to Santa Rosa for my own wedding.
This was a wonderful was to start my Wedding Eve morning. Thank you!
Tony says
I remember those days! I still picture Cass as that little girl. Hard to believe she’s all grown up now and getting married. I’m glad we’re not getting older…just our kids are!