During our eight day Northern Cal visit, I was able to get some quality face time with both my nieces and and two of my three nephews.
I’m kicking myself for not getting a photo of AJ and his wife Ali while they were at mom’s birthday bash. I do have them on video sitting at the “kids table” during dinner but it’s not the same.
That oversight aside, I managed to get some snapshots of Cassie, Bryce and Hanna (you’ve already met Marcus) for posterity.
For years, the pictures I’d taken of them as children are were my mind’s eye reference for anything Cassie/Bryce/Hanna related, blunted only slightly by the short visits to Sonoma County over the years. And now they’re grown-up. Not all they way, mind you, but well on their way.
Take Cassie, for instance:Despite being kept apprised of the ongoing milestones in her life: ice skating, running track, going to Chico she was always this little kid to me.
But not any more.
She’s living on her own in the Bay Area, teaching at a private school, has a boyfriend and hopefully has plans to get her credential that’ll allow her go just about anywhere she chooses to pursue happiness.
She’s a stubborn, smart, and loyal young woman. She does need to work on broadening her sense of humor, however, as well as owning up to really, really liking Crocs.
Then there’s Bryce, the moustachioed rugby flanker. He’ll be attending San Francisco State this fall. Although I never heard it directly from him, it’s my understanding he’ll be majoring in philosophy.
Bryce isn’t a little boy any more. I’d reckon he’s at least 6’2″ and weighs in around 210-215 pounds. With his physical disposition and handlebar mustache, he could have easily passed for a bare-knuckled fighter 120 years ago.
I enjoyed learning Bryce has made a conscious choice to eschew smart phones and instead uses a crappy old flip phone. He even has a duplicate phone on reserve when his current phone gives up the ghost. Nice.
I’ve always felt Hanna has always been somewhat shy-reserved might be a better word-when I’ve visited in years past. But I think my have may have underestimated my niece.
She is keenly observant and nuanced. She’s got a rapier wit and possesses a wisdom beyond her years. If you’re on your toes, it’s fun to be around her. If you’re not, you might just get sliced and diced.
And, at the age of 19, Hanna drives a Mercedes. A nice Mercedes. I’m still not exactly sure how all that went down, but I think it somehow involves airbags. You’re gonna have to ask her about that.
I enjoyed reconnecting with my sisters’ progeny; they’re an interesting and promising lot. I wish we could have spent more time together. They’re certainly not kids any more. But at least now I have some contemporary points of reference to draw from whenever I get the “latest” on my nieces and nephews.
Wonderful. Thank you 🙂
Mom just saw this a few days ago and loved it. Thinking of you.