Our Australian Shepherd Rafa turned two mid-March. Seems like yesterday Monica and I made the drive up to Parker to pick him up at Lindy Patrick’s Lyric Aussie kennel. He’s turned out to be smart, athletic, handsome (not unlike his owner) and interestingly enough, can be rather articulate when it comes to voicing his opinion; it’s typically some displeasure at having to simmer down while getting ready for our morning hikes that I’ve interpreted to mean something along the line of “awwww, alright man, but hurry up already.”
I snapped this photo of him with my trusty Polaroid Spectra Pro. I’ve been playing with a new instant film from the Impossible Project-PZ680-with mixed results. This photo went in the plus column. I was relieved he sat still long enough for me to fire off a frame since the film runs about three dollars a pop.
The success of the photo is attributable, no doubt, to the intense training regiment Rafa’s received, as well as the keen acumen of the photographer.